Webinar: Sex bias in preclinical research

Webinar: Sex bias in preclinical research

Webinar: Sex bias in preclinical research

JAX webinar: The consequences of sex bias in preclinical research – hosted by Ozgene ARC

Please find the webinar recording from 23 May 2024 below.

In mouse-based research aimed at discovering new cures for human diseases, researchers often select one sex over the other. While this choice is sometimes scientifically justified, omitting sex as a biological variable can lead to significant consequences. Single-sex studies can result in skewed research outcomes, issues with translatability, flawed conclusions, and ethical concerns regarding the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement).

During this presentation, you will learn about:

  • The reasons why male or female mice are sometimes preferred
  • The scientific impact of sex bias on various biological disciplines
  • The significant effect of sex bias on animal welfare
  • 3Rs guidelines and recommendations to eliminate sex bias in preclinical studies

Our presenter, Dr. Samantha (Sam) Eck, holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience from Temple University and completed her postdoctoral work at the University of California, Davis. Her research focused on sex differences in the effects of stress on development, cognition, and social behaviours. Before joining The Jackson Laboratory, Sam provided scientific technical support for next-generation sequencing (NGS) efforts to academic, government, and biotech clients. As a Technical Information Scientist at JAX, Sam is passionate about using her experience to support global research goals and educate the scientific community on best practices in animal research.

Following the recorded presentation, Sam joined us for a Q&A session, along with Jacqui and Maarit from Ozgene ARC.