Strain details
Common nameSCID
SynonymsSCID, CB17
StrainMutant inbred
Coat ColourAlbino (A/A Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b Tyrc/Tyrc)
Genetic background-
LocationArea Oz1
Weekly wean target<10 males, <10 females

Strain description

  • MHC haplotype: H2Kd
  • Complement factor: C5 normal
  • Arose as a spontaneous autosomal recessive mutation in C.B-Igh-1b (CB-17) congenic strain. Prkdcscid (autosomal recessive, protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide).
  • Homozygotes have little or no immunoglobulin in serum. Lymphoid organs consist of vascular connective tissue and macrophages and are devoid of lymphocytes.
  • Bone marrow lacks plasma cells and lymphocytes and skin lacks dendritic Thy-1+ epidermal cells. Although B and T-cells, pre-B and pre-T cells are absent early B and T-cells are present.
  • A variable percentage (2-20%) of young adults develops low numbers of functional B and T-cells. This is not genetically determined.
  • Macrophage activation and antigen presentation, NK cell activity and myeloid cell differentiation is normal.
  • Thymic lymphomas occur in about 15% of mice.
  • Cystitis in female stock.
  • This stock strain is housed in an isolator.
  • In 1980 at Fox chase Canser Centre this mutation was discovered by Bosma. This mutation occurred in the C.B-17/Icr strain, IgH congenic partner of BALB/cAnIcr differing from it only by a portion of chromosome 12 that was derived from C57BL/Ka strain. In 1989, to Central Institute for Laboratory Animal Breeding, Hannover, Germany. Then to Harlan UK in 1994. Breeders refreshed with mice from Harlan UK Ltd. 2003.
  • SCID mice are transferred from Animal Resource Centre to Ozgene ARC in 2023.
  • Useful model for studying the relationship between immunity and disease, studies on engraftment of xenogenic cells and tissues, and studying human severe combined immunodeficiency.
  • Useful model for understanding the basis of increased lymphoid malignancies in immunodeficiencies as thymic lymphomas occurs in about 15% of mice.

Past ARC and transfer reports:

Current Ozgene ARC reports (from 01-Jun-2023)

  • Mouse images are representative only. Actual phenotypes may vary based on genotype, sex, age, husbandry, health status, and other factors.