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Lab Invest 1998 Jun;78(6):647

Induction of acute inflammation in vivo by staphylococcal superantigens I: Leukocyte recruitment occurs independently of T lymphocytes and major histocompatibility complex Class II molecules.

Diener, K;Fraser, J;Kontgen, F;McColl, SR.;Tessier, P

Service type: Not applicable


Nat Med 1998 Mar;4(3):30

Infertility in female mice lacking the receptor for interleukin 11 is due to a defective uterine response to implantation.

Begley, CG.;Hartley, L;Koentgen, F;Li, R;Nandurkar, HH;Robb, L

Service type: Knockout mice


Eur J Immunol 1997 Oct;27(10):260

Distinct roles for lymphotoxin alpha and tumor necrosis factor in organogenesis and spatial organization of lymphoid tissue.

Cook, M;Fazekas, de St Groth B;Hoek, RM;Kontgen, F;Korner, H;Ledermann, B;Lemckert, FA;Riminton, DS;Sedgwick, JD.

Service type: Knockout mice


Blood 1997 Sep 15;90(6):2148

Adult mice with targeted mutation of the interleukin 11 receptor (IL11Ra) display normal hematopoiesis.

Barnett, L;Begley, CG.;Kontgen, F;Nandurkar, HH;Robb, L;Tarlinton, D

Service type: Knockout mice


Muscle Nerve 1997 Jul;20(7):815

The role of leukemia inhibitory factor in skeletal muscle regeneration.

Austin, L.;Bower, JJ;Koentgen, F;Kurek, JB;Murphy, M;Romanella, M

Service type: Knockout mice


Nature 1997 Mar 6;386(6620):8

Homeosis and intestinal tumours in Cdx2 mutant mice.

Beck, F.;Chawengsaksophak, K;Hammond, VE;James, R;Kontgen, F

Service type: Knockout mice


EMBO J 1996 Aug 15;15(16):412

The scl gene product is required for the generation of all hematopoietic lineages in the adult mouse.

Barnett, LD;Begley, CG.;Elefanty, AG;Elwood, NJ;Kontgen, F;Li, R;Robb, L

Service type: Knockout mice


Immunity 1996 Apr;4(4):407

Resistance to endotoxin shock and reduced dissemination of gram negative bacteria in CD14 deficient mice.

Ferrero, E;Goyert, SM.;Haziot, A;Hijiya, N;Kontgen, F;Silver, J;Stewart, CL;Yamamoto, S

Service type: Knockout mice


Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1995 Oct 10;92(21):956

Hematopoietic and lung abnormalities in mice with a null mutation of the common beta subunit of the receptors for granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukins 3 and 5.

Begley, CG.;Drinkwater, CC;Kontgen, F;Li, R;Metcalf, D;Nicola, NA;Robb, L

Service type: Knockout mice


Genes Dev. 1995 Aug 15;9(16):1965

Mice lacking the c-rel proto-oncogene exhibit defects in lymphocyte proliferation, humoral immunity, and interleukin-2 expression

Gerondakis, S.;Grumont, RJ;Kontgen, F;Li, R;Metcalf, D;Strasser, A;Tarlinton, D

Service type: Knockout mice